Renault Megane 2 rs / Megane 3 rs 1000nm gearbox kit Drag / street application
Renault Megane 2 rs / Megane 3 rs 1000nm gearbox kit Drag/ track application
Flange adapter for vag gearbox
custom dual clutch Mtx 1000nm for f4r crank and vag gearbox big spline tiguan
02q Gearbox with Dog box straight cut 4 / 6 speed with billet shifter fork 3/4 with bigger center shaft for high torque
upgraded 1/2 and 3/4 shift element fork
LSD 2.1 clutch type 110nm preload
Custom 300m driveshafts
Billet short shifter Zpo ( optional carbon)
Uniball shifter linkage
Sqs shift cut Knob for flatshift clutchless shifting
Drag 4 speed gear ratio compatible with many FD ratio
1. 3.2
2 2.45
3 1.4
4 1
Track 6speed gear ratio compatible with many FD ratio
1 3.2
2 2.15
3 1.53
4 1.17
5 1.16
6 1